The following is a list of configurable parameters of the Terraform
CRD. A brief description about each parameter will be defined here. Fore more in-depth details about the features, see Core Concepts.
Terraform v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Kind | Group | Version |
Terraform | tf.galleybytes.com | v1beta1 |
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources |
kind string | Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds |
metadata k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.ObjectMeta | |
spec TerraformSpec | |
status TerraformStatus |
Copy TerraformSpec v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
backend string | Backend is mandatory terraform backend configuration. Must use a valid terraform backend block. For more information see https://www.terraform.io/language/settings/backends/configuration
Example usage of the kubernetes cluster as a backend:
Example of a remote backend:
Usage of the kubernetes backend is only available as of terraform v0.13+. |
credentials array[Credentials] | Credentials is an array of credentials generally used for Terraform providers |
ignoreDelete boolean | IgnoreDelete will bypass the finalization process and remove the tf resource without running any delete jobs. |
images Images | Images describes the container images used by task classes. |
keepCompletedPods boolean | KeepCompletedPods when true will keep completed pods. Default is false and completed pods are removed. |
keepLatestPodsOnly boolean | KeepLatestPodsOnly when true will keep only the pods that match the current generation of the terraform k8s-resource. This overrides the behavior of `keepCompletedPods`. |
outputsSecret string | OutputsSecret will create a secret with the outputs from the module. All outputs from the module will be written to the secret unless the user defines "outputsToInclude" or "outputsToOmit". |
outputsToInclude array[string] | OutputsToInclude is a whitelist of outputs to write when writing the outputs to kubernetes. |
outputsToOmit array[string] | OutputsToOmit is a blacklist of outputs to omit when writing the outputs to kubernetes. |
persistentVolumeSize k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | PersistentVolumeSize define the size of the disk used to store terraform run data. If not defined, a default of "2Gi" is used. |
plugins object | Plugins are tasks that run during a workflow but are not part of the main workflow. Plugins can be treated as just another task, however, plugins do not have completion or failure detection.
Example definition of a plugin:
The above plugin task will run after the setup task has completed. Alternatively, a plugin can be triggered to start at the same time of another task. For example:
Each plugin is run once per generation. Plugins that are older than the current generation are automatically reaped. |
requireApproval boolean | RequireApproval will place a hold after completing a plan that prevents the workflow from continuing. However, the implementation of the hold takes place in the tf.sh script.
(See https://github.com/GalleyBytes/terraform-operator-tasks/blob/master/tf.sh) Depending on the script that executes during the workflow, this field may be ignored if not implemented by the user properly. To approve a workflow using the official galleybytes implementation, a file needs to be placed on the workflow’s persistent-volume:
Deleting the plan that is holding will spawn a new plan and a new approval will be required. |
scmAuthMethods array[SCMAuthMethod] | SCMAuthMethods define multiple SCMs that require tokens/keys |
serviceAccount string | ServiceAccount use a specific kubernetes ServiceAccount for running the create + destroy pods. If not specified we create a new ServiceAccount per Terraform |
setup Setup | Setup is configuration generally used once in the setup task |
sshTunnel ProxyOpts | SSHTunnel can be defined for pulling from scm sources that cannot be accessed by the network the operator/runner runs in. An example is enterprise-Github servers running on a private network. |
storageClassName string | StorageClassName is the name of the volume that terraform-operator will use to store data. An empty value means that this volume does not belong to any StorageClassName and will use the clusters default StorageClassName |
taskOptions array[TaskOption] | TaskOptions are a list of configuration options to be injected into task pods. |
terraformModule Module | TerraformModule is used to configure the source of the terraform module. |
terraformVersion string | TerraformVersion is the version of terraform which is used to run the module. The terraform version is used as the tag of the terraform image regardless if images.terraform.image is defined with a tag. In that case, the tag is stripped and replace with this value. |
writeOutputsToStatus boolean | WriteOutputsToStatus will add the outputs from the module to the status of the Terraform CustomResource. |
Copy TerraformStatus v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
lastCompletedGeneration integer | LastCompletedGeneration shows the generation of the last completed workflow. This is not relevant for remotely executed workflows. |
outputs object | Outputs terraform outputs, when opt-in, will be added to this `status.outputs` field as key/value pairs |
phase string | Phase is the current phase of the workflow |
pluginsStarted array[string] | PluginsStarted is a list of plugins that have been executed by the controller. Will get refreshed each generation. |
podNamePrefix string | PodNamePrefix is used to identify this installation of the resource. For very long resource names, like those greater than 220 characters, the prefix ensures resource uniqueness for runners and other resources used by the runner. Another case for the pod name prefix is when rapidly deleteing a resource and recreating it, the chance of recycling existing resources is reduced to virtually nil. |
stage Stage | Stage stores information about the current stage |
Copy Credentials v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
aws AWSCredentials | AWSCredentials contains the different methods to load AWS credentials for the Terraform AWS Provider. If using AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and/or environment variables for credentials, use fromEnvs. |
secretNameRef SecretNameRef | SecretNameRef will load environment variables into the terraform runner from a kubernetes secret |
serviceAccountAnnotations object | ServiceAccountAnnotations allows the service account to be annotated with cloud IAM roles such as Workload Identity on GCP |
Copy Images v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
script ImageConfig | Script task type container image definition |
setup ImageConfig | Setup task type container image definition |
terraform ImageConfig | Terraform task type container image definition |
Copy Module v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
configMapSeclector ConfigMapSelector | ConfigMapSelector is an option that points to an existing configmap on the executing cluster. The configmap is expected to contains has the terraform module (ie keys ending with .tf). The configmap would need to live in the same namespace as the tfo resource.
The configmap is mounted as a volume and put into the TFO_MAIN_MODULE path by the setup task. If a key is defined, the value is used as the module else the entirety of the data objects will be loaded as files. |
inline string | Inline used to define an entire terraform module inline and then mounted in the TFO_MAIN_MODULE path. |
source string | Source accepts a subset of the terraform "Module Source" ways of defining a module. Terraform Operator prefers modules that are defined in a git repo as opposed to other scm types. Refer to https://www.terraform.io/language/modules/sources#module-sources for more details. |
version string | Version to select from a terraform registry. For version to be used, source must be defined. Refer to https://www.terraform.io/language/modules/sources#module-sources for more details |
Copy Plugin v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
image string | The container image from the registry; tags must be omitted |
imagePullPolicy string | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images |
task string | Task is the second part of a two-part selector of when the plugin gets run in the workflow. This should correspond to one of the tfo task names. |
when string | When is a keyword of a two-part selector of when the plugin gets run in the workflow. The value must be one of
Copy ProxyOpts v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
host string | |
sshKeySecretRef SSHKeySecretRef | |
user string |
Copy SCMAuthMethod v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
git GitSCM | Git configuration options for auth methods of git |
host string |
Copy Setup v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
cleanupDisk boolean | CleanupDisk will clear out previous terraform run data from the persistent volume. |
resourceDownloads array[ResourceDownload] | ResourceDownloads defines other files to download into the module directory that can be used by the terraform workflow runners. The `tfvar` type will also be fetched by the `exportRepo` option (if defined) to aggregate the set of tfvars to save to an scm system. |
Copy TaskOption v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
annotations object | Annotaitons extra annotaitons to add the task pods |
env array[k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar] | List of environment variables to set in the task pods. |
envFrom array[k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource] | List of sources to populate environment variables in the container. The keys defined within a source must be a C_IDENTIFIER. All invalid keys will be reported as an event when the container is starting. When a key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the last source will take precedence. Values defined by an Env with a duplicate key will take precedence. Cannot be updated. |
for array[string] | For is a list of tasks these options will get applied to. |
labels object | Labels extra labels to add task pods. |
policyRules array[k8s.io/api/rbac/v1.PolicyRule] | RunnerRules are RBAC rules that will be added to all runner pods. |
resources k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements | Compute Resources required by the task pods. |
restartPolicy string | RestartPolicy describes how the task should be restarted. Only one of the following restart policies may be specified.
If no policy is specified, the restart policy is set to “Never”. |
script StageScript | Script is used to configure the source of the task's executable script. |
Copy Stage v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
generation integer | Generation is the generation of the resource when the task got started. |
interruptible boolean | Interruptible is set to false when the pod should not be terminated such as when doing a terraform apply. |
message string | Message stores the last message displayed in the logs. It is stored and checked by the controller to reduce the noise in the logs by only displying the message once. |
podName string | PodName is the pod assigned to execute the stage. |
podType string | TaskType is which task is currently running. |
podUID string | PodUID is the pod uid of the pod assigned to execute the stage. |
reason string | Reason is a message of what is happening with the pod. The controller uses this field when certain reasons occur to make scheduling decisions. |
startTime k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.Time | StartTime is when the task got created by the controller, not when a pod got started. |
state string | State is the phase of the task pod. |
stopTime k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.Time | StopTime is when the task went into a stopped phase. |
Copy AWSCredentials v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
irsa string | IRSA requires the irsa role-arn as the string input. This will create a serice account named tf- Using a TrustEntity policy that includes “StringEquals” setting it as the serivce account name is the most secure way to use IRSA. However, for a reusable policy consider “StringLike” with a few wildcards to make the irsa role usable by pods created by terraform-operator. The example below is pretty liberal, but will work for any pod created by the terraform-operator.
kiam string | KIAM requires the kiam role-name as the string input. This will add the correct annotation to the terraform execution pod
Copy SecretNameRef v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
key string | Key of the secret |
name string | Name of the secret |
namespace string | Namespace of the secret; Defaults to namespace of the tf resource |
Copy ImageConfig v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
image string | The container image from the registry; tags must be omitted |
imagePullPolicy string | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images |
Copy ConfigMapSelector v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
key string | |
name string |
Copy SSHKeySecretRef v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
key string | Key in the secret ref. Default to `id_rsa` |
name string | Name the secret name that has the SSH key |
namespace string | Namespace of the secret; Default is the namespace of the terraform resource |
Copy GitSCM v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
https GitHTTPS | |
ssh GitSSH |
Copy ResourceDownload v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
address string | Address defines the source address resources to fetch. |
path string | Path will download the resources into this path which is relative to the main module directory. |
useAsVar boolean | UseAsVar will add the file as a tfvar via the -var-file flag of the terraform plan command. The downloaded resource must not be a directory. |
Copy StageScript v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
configMapSelector ConfigMapSelector | ConfigMapSelector reads a in a script from a configmap name+key |
inline string | Inline is used to write the entire task execution script in the tfo resource. |
source string | Source is an http source that the task container will fetch and then execute. |
Copy GitHTTPS v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
requireProxy boolean | |
tokenSecretRef TokenSecretRef |
Copy GitSSH v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
requireProxy boolean | |
sshKeySecretRef SSHKeySecretRef |
Copy TokenSecretRef v1beta1 tf.galleybytes.com
Field | Description |
key string | Key in the secret ref. Default to `token` |
name string | Name the secret name that has the token or password |
namespace string | Namespace of the secret; Default is the namespace of the terraform resource |